Friday, May 24, 2024 —1-5:30 pm
(Before the Delegate Selection Convention)
Keizer Civic Center – Keizer, OR
Free Parking
Registration and $5 materials fee is required.
Vendor Hall Open All Day
For vendor questions –
Featuring an Advisory Panel of Current Officials and Campaign Managers
Open to:
Oregon Republican Candidates
Potential Oregon Republican Candidates
Republican Candidate Campaign Managers
Republican Candidate Campaign Staff and Volunteers
Appropriate for local races
including County Commissioner, School Board, Parks Board, etc.
If you are a Republican considering a run for office in the future, this workshop is for you.
Workshop topics include:
Navigating ORESTAR
Fundraising Strategies
Creative Messaging
Candidate Self-Assessment
Creating a Candidate Committee
Resumé Enhancement
Register for the Candidate Training Workshop or reserve a vendor table.